Saturday, June 23, 2012

Walking The Fence

We were on our way home from a wood cutting project, and we passed this fence that had a lot of different shoes along the fence. (Apparently we passed this on the way up, but I didn't see it) I wonder what one can possibly gain from putting old shoes along a fence. Who knows, maybe they keep deer away from their sent? Anyway, just glad I had a camera on me to capture this unique fence that is "Clearly...Something Stupid".

Friday, June 22, 2012

When Fake Spiders Attack

 So just a couple of minutes ago my mom, sister, little brother and I were in the kitchen eating some fresh out of the oven banana bread when Hunter thanked Morgan for putting a spider in his bead last night, because he got bit, and Morgan says "Well that's what you get for not charging my computer after you use it". Then clever me asked, "a real spider?" and Morgan quickly replied "No. A fake one that does damage." Then my mom and Morgan started laughing and were ALMOST at the point where tears ran down their leg!! I guess I have to think before I say something next time. But hey, what's life without a couple of "Clearly...Something Stupid" moments.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here Is A Look At Some Of My Photography

What a beautiful barn. This was taken at my cousins wedding reception this past August. I love the different tools that are on the wall, just adds some texture to the barn. Too bad that the door was open, it draws away from the barn itself.
This is a side view of the front  of the barn above. I like the color variation of the wood from the top to the bottom of the barn. There is just something about this barn that made it fun to photograph.
This is a flower that I took in my front yard. This is one of the first pictures I took with my new camera. I was trying different techniques of making the background out of focus and getting different sun spots appear. I'm not really glad with the way the flower came out, but this was shot with the standard lens that came with my camera. The flower would have been more clear if I used a macro lens.
What a wonderful sliding glass door, complete with a spider web design. This door didn't always have this unique design, it used to be a normal clear sliding glass door. One afternoon, my mom was weed whacking in the back yard and a rock hit the door and this was the out come. Personally I think it looks pretty neat and gave me an opportunity to see how well my camera would pick up the design of the glass.
Well, it didn't turn out as well as I was imagining, but I guess once again my vision and reality do not match, and make "Something Stupid" :)

A Little About Me

I recently graduated High School earlier this month, and will be attending Brigham Young University Idaho this September. I will be striving to become a photography major, but have to have 55 credits before I can send in a portfolio to get into the major. My dream goal is to become a Disney Photographer, and capture the "Disney Magic" as young kids see their favorite character for the first time. Sadly, I can't take a photography class until I take Drawing 1 or Design and Color. I chose Design and Color, because (1) I CAN'T draw, and (2) I called the Art Department at BYU-I and the lady told me that most photography majors take the Design and Color class. Even though I am unable to take a photography class until my second semester, I will still take pictures on my free time, and experiment with different techniques.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How The Name Originated

Why "Clearly...Something Stupid"? Lets break it down by each phrase, "Clearly" and "Something Stupid".
"Clearly" came from my AP English class, where we took practice multiple choice tests out of  Dr. Richard Vogel's book. When our class was done taking each test, our teacher would read us the correct answers as well as the explanations to why the answers were what they were. It seemed like 9 out of 10 times each statement either started with or had the word "Clearly" somewhere in the explanation. So "Clearly" became the inside joke throughout the year, and brings back the fun memories of English class when we made fun of Dr. Richard Vogel's abundant use of "Clearly".
 The next phrase, "Something Stupid" is what I say when referring to me attempting something artsy. I have a picture in my mind of what everything I want to do looks like, but have a hard time transforming the mental picture into the real picture. For example, when I got a smash book, I didn't want to smash anything because I was afraid I was going to ruin it by putting "Something Stupid" in it (which there is no such thing as smashing "Something Stupid" in a smash book).  Or for school projects, when I want to do something different and challenging but not realizing that I only have 2 days to complete it, the finished product usually is way off from what I originally envisioned it to look like. You see, I don't like doing the ordinary assignment, I like to think outside the box. But when I'm working on a project that is too elaborate, it usually ends up being "Something Stupid".