Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bon Appetite

Yesterday, I left off at Lunch. Morgan made smoothies and I made grilled cheese sandwiches.
The smoothy was really interesting...Morgan added the remaining fruit from the fruit cocktail that we put into the Jell-O, some of the drained juice from the can of fruit, Raspberry Lemonade, bananas and blueberries. Morgan says "It was like eating Barny". There was chunks in the smoothy (if you can even call it that, because it was more like fruit juice with fruit floaties. Yummy right) Oh well, at least my grilled cheese sandwiches came out, I even added some turkey in between the cheese.
 While eating our some what appetizing lunch, we watched the Olympics and then folded two baskets of laundry (including Madison and Hunters clothes, and the few shirts and shorts that belonged to mom and dad)

Anyway, as time was ticking closer and closer to the time Mom, Madison and Hunter were to arrive home from their first day at school, Morgan and I emptied a box from the garage, finishing the last of our boxes *yay*.

When everyone got home from school, and dad from work; Mom, Dad, Hunter, and Madison went off to Observation Point/Wrinkle Cove to run. (Hunter and Madison to train for Cross Country, and Mom and Dad for their Mud Run they are doing in Mid September *too bad Morgan and I wont be there to run it too, but we will be participating in a Temple to Temple relay up in Idaho about the same time)

When the rest of the family were out running, Morgan and I began dinner. I had the responsibility of cutting 2 green bell peppers and 1 red, as well as dicing 1 onion (WARNING they make your eyes sting and water). Morgan, prepared the meat; she sliced it in thin strips, and prepared the marinade.

We put the meat in first to get it browned, and then added in the bell pepers.
Here is a closer look at what the food looked like while it was cooking.
Lastly, this is what it looked like before it entered Morgan's stomach. She put sour cream on top, and then rolled it up like a burrito and then ate it.

 So, yeah...That was our dinner...Grilled Beef Fajitas! I think it was a success, the bell peppers and lime juice added a bit of sweetness to the meat.

Dinner was sooo good that mom said we could make this in ID, but we simply told her, "yeah, but we wont be able to afford the meat. :(

*Not looking forward to being a poor college student

After Dinner, we had Family Home Evening, which was on Father's Blessings (since it was the first day of school) and following the lesson, Madison and Hunter got a Father's Blessing. Morgan and I didn't get one yet, we are waiting till we get closer to leaving (which will be in about a month...WOW...time goes by fast. At least we get a little longer break than Madison and Hunter).

For dessert we had the pudding that I mentioned in yesterday's blog...Brown and Sticky. I think everyone liked it. I promised that I would take a picture of them when they got out of the fridge, but I kinda forgot. Luckily though, I have a crappy picture of them when they are in the fridge.

The two in the back, are the chocolate/lemon layered, followed by two lemons, and two chocolates in the front. Sorry I don't have a better picture.
Well, this is what a busy day home alone will get you. But still it was fun, making our first REAL meal WITHOUT parent supervision.

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