Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 7: Silhouette

Well, today was a bit disappointing. Dad and I went out to take pics around 8:30, but it was too late, the sun was almost all the way set. A bit deceiving, because there was a light blue sky. The sky was only a part of the problem, I didn't know how to take the silhouettes. In the article I read, it mentioned having the sun light or other main light source in the background, and that's what I did. However, Dad and I quickly realized that this wouldn't be as simple and easy as I thought. We clearly don't know how to really use our camera in Manual Mode.

Anyway, I still managed to take some pictures while messing with different functions.

This one isn't that bad, there is just a small reflector square that showed up, and the colors in the back aren't as bright and distinct as they were tonight. Also, the flash popped up, so you can kindof see the color of the tree.

You can see the silhouette, but the color just isn't as well as it could have been.

Same problem, color got diluted.

Almost perfect, BUT tree blurry, and colors are a bit washed out.
This will take a lot more practice as well as some research on how to perfect silhouette photography. Dad and I will hopefully be able to figure out our cameras before I leave, and attempt silhouettes later.
Tomorrow's assignment is Sunset, but I don't think I will be able to do it, because it requires the same technique as silhouettes, the key is the color. Well better luck next time (hopefully).

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